“Hunters Woods Fellowship House is a government–assisted apartment complex, located in Reston, VA is designed for individuals of limited income who are over age 62 or are disabled.  Fellowship House apartments are marketed in accordance with the individual project Tenant Selection and Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans.”

Hunters Woods Fellowship House      2231  Colts Neck Road  Reston, VA 

Architectural design services for the renovation and upgrade included:  CCR was a consultant to DESMAN Associates providing expert existing conditions analysis and subsequent documentation and field oversight. These services included permit and construction drawings for plans and details included re-cladding of brick documents for numerous masonry remediation conditions.  Masonry work included re-cladding masonry piers with EIFS, provisions for and remedial masonry replacement at each of the steel relieving angle elevations. Steel relieving angles were replaced where needed as well. Sealants and coatings were replaced at control & expansion joints, brick pointing and replacementof all window frame surround sealants.  We followed all documentation through full construction administration services during the renovation.          

Largo Landing Fellowship House       1077  Largo Road  Upper Marlboro, MD

CCR was commissioned to provide concept designs through permit documents for a nearly doubling  of their existing compliment of 115 apartments.  This service would include several renovations toexterior and exterior features associated with the connection zone for the new addition.  The proposed addition would provide 100 additional, 750 SF, 1 bedroom apartments with expanded dining and lounge amenities.  The project has gone through design development and remains on-hold during ongoing  fundraising activities.