CCR Team assessment, reporting and document processes: CCR uses our site assessment, analysis and reporting experiences by leveraging in-house experts. Our registered architect’s active in this effort all have decades of assessments, forensics and construction administration on institutional buildings. All site and reporting activities will be led and executed by this experienced team of registered professionals. We believe our rare level of in-house experience will be a valuable asset in uncovering potential issues. We also think that our field strengths enable efficient, focused reviews that have the benefit of reducing both time and costs, including service fees. A majority of our experts have previous years of experience in the construction industry. We have a past Master Electrician, a generalist who has worked in most of the construction and material typologies including wood framing, concrete (new and remediation), masonry wall and steel erection framing. We Employ a ‘Fresh-Old-Eyes’ concept of Quality Control and Assurance. Other CCR, experienced architects will complete scheduled reviews at each phase and prior to document submissions. Our own CCR MEP experts will be providing QA/QC support for our MEP consultant’s assessments and reporting. 2.1 recent experience with Higher Education assessments and feasibility studies: We recently completed a complete Campus Capital Assessment Report for The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) with report review and quality control by Construction Building Systems (CBS). This was a set of assessments for all (5) of their education facilities on (3) campuses. The CCR team evaluated all building exterior envelope, site infrastructure, interior finishes and mechanical, electrical and plumbing system life cycle and performance features. We reported on approximately 768,000 GSF of campus building systems. Project feasibility studies is another, related service we have provided for decades. These studies typically require our expertise in building forensics, code, ADA and Life Safety existing conditions. We recently completed a partial assessment of existing conditions and feasibility report for the Catholic University of America’s Theological College. This study concentrated on the potential use of an unoccupied, top level of their main, six story tower structure. We were able to provide several paths to zoning and building, life-safety compliance. See more about our experience in similar projects at: |