• Planning
  • Project Feasibility Studies
  • Facility Condition Assessments and Reporting
  • Architectural Design Phase Services
  • Design Build Services
  • Fundraising Design Concepts
  • Professional Cost Estimating
  • In-House M, E, P Engineering Services
  • Construction Administration Services
CCR PLANNING CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS: Planning team will consistently ‘circle-back’ to Church-developed success factors and goals
  1. Are planning decisions consistently informed by the churches’ specific Mission, including each of its ministries?
  2. Is the process of planning iterative with all stakeholders, including the community, organized & represented at each step?
  3. Will emerging, adaptable, and even newly realized planning strategies be fostered by leadership and each stakeholder group?
  4. Has Leadership provided timelines and selected stakeholder teams to complete agreed-on action items, implementation teams and timelines?
  5. Has the churches’ initial budget and teams costing been used as a tool for informing program, facility size, and eventual phases of development?